33 Key Pick Up Lines

Unlock your love life with the best key pick up lines. Use dirty key pick up lines and get the key to your heart. These funny key pickuplines will get your love to open their locked doors for you. Low key, lock and key, car key, key hole, lost keys. Take advantage of best pick up lines with keys. Easy Copy & Paste!

Key Pick Up Line
Are you a key? Because I accidentally locked my heart.
Are you a lock? Because I got the key to pick on you any day.
Are you a locksmith? Because you've got the key to my heart.
Are you looking for your keys? Because you can have mine.
Are you lost? Because I can give you the keys to my place.
Are you my keys? Because I am always looking for you.
Are you sitting on my key? Because you are unlocking my love.
Babe, did you remember your key today? If not, I can give you a quickie.
Babe, my key can unlock any closed door. Want to see how I can get inside you?
Babe, no you are not sitting on my keys, you are just sitting on me.
Baby, you're the only lock that fits my key.
Did you take my car key? Because you driving me crazy.
Girl, you know how to hit all the keys for me.
Girl, you turn my low key into high key.
Here's the key to my hour, my car, and my heart.
How about let's cut us some keys and make copies of me?
I cannot find my keys, I am missing the one key to your soul.
I got no dumb pick up lines, but I sure got the key code to your heart.
I left my keys at home. But babe I can always come in through the back.
Is that a key in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Looks like you've unboxed the key to my heart.
Meeting you is like how I feel when I first bought my house key!
My key can fit any hole.
My key can unlock the door to your heart.
We fit together like lock and key.
What's long, hard and fits nicely into a hole? The key to my apartment and it's yours.
You are locking good, and babe I got the right key to enter you.
You are the key to my heart.
You don't need car keys to start my ignition. Your touch turns me on.
You don't need keys to drive me crazy.
You got a lock down there? Because no worries babe I got the lowkey to get through.
You got the key? Great because I am your master, and together we will be the master key.
You must stole the key to my heart, because you are a keeper.

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