Pick Up Lines About CPR

11 CPR Pick Up Lines

Are you at a swimming pool or the beach? If you are training or learning CPR certification. Hit on those lifeguards or medical workers like doctors or nurses. Use these CPR pick up lines to help you flirt and impress. Save a life and get...

Pick UP Lines About Black Friday

47 Black Friday Pick Up Lines

Are you lining up for the biggest shopping day of the year right after your Thanksgiving meal? Do you have your eyes on that cute guy or girl while waiting in line? Or simply spending more time with your loved one while shopping together? Use...

PIck Up Lines About Insurance

44 Insurance Pick Up Lines

Are you an insurance agent or you are hitting on that cute insurance girl who’s trying to sell you insurance. Use these insurance Pick Up Lines. They mentions ideas such as agents, premiums, coverage. Make these insurance themed pick up lines to help you score.

Pick Up Lines Inspired by TV Shows

281 TV Shows Pick Up Lines

We have compiled the best list of TV Shows pick up lines. They are made from the various popular TV shows. Is your person of interest is a fan of any TV show? Use these clever and flirty pick up lines to help you break...

Pick Up Lines Inspired by Twilight

72 Twilight Pick Up Lines

Twilight is one of the more popular vampire themes shows. No one can resist sexy sparkling vampire or hot wild werewolves. We have compiled a list of Twilight inspired pick up lines to help you open the conversation with guys or girls that love the...

Pick Up Lines for High school Students

85 High School/ SAT Pick Up Lines

Ah high school is a time of innocent love. Below are some of the good high school related pick up lines. These pick up phrases feature common ground themes such as classes, high school sports, math, tests like physics, SAT scores, and more. Please note...