Are you a really hard homework? Because I would rather do you myself rather than copy my friend's answers. | |
Are you chemistry homework, because I am sensing some strong balance and reaction between us. | |
Are you my home work? Because I will be missing you tonight. | |
Are you my homework? Because I feel so lost in you. | |
Are you my physics homework? Because your curves make me hard. | |
Babe I'll treat you like my home work. Fondle you and sit on you all night, and come at the last minute. | |
Babe, if you are a homework, would you grade me on performance or completion? | |
Babe, if you are my homework, I would never pass the class because I will neve finish you. | |
Babe, I'll treat you like my homework, slam you down on my desk and do you all night long. | |
Babe, treat me like home work, because I am open book for you. | |
Girl are you homework? Because I would love to have you as my problem. | |
Girl, are you my school home work? Because we will have a long night together. | |
Girl, if you are my home work, I am going to show every steps in my work. | |
Girl, let me be your home work. Take me home and we can do it all night long. | |
Girl, you are the opposite of homework. Because I actually want to do you for fun tonight. | |
Hey babe are you my homework? Because I would love to take you home. | |
How about let's call a night on this date, and turn this into a home work session on my bed? | |
I wish you were my homework, because I would be doing you every night. | |
Should I do my home work? No I would rather do you instead. | |
You are a fine piece of homework. I will never let my dog eat you because I will eat you myself. | |
You must be homework, because I am not doing you right now and I should be. | |