Are those lenses in your pants or are you just happy to see me? | |
Are you a camera comeback: Whenever I look at you, I close my eyes. | |
Are you a camera? Because every time I see you, I smile. | |
Are you a camera? Because we can take this to my place and see what develops. | |
Are you my camera? Because you made me smile everytime i look at you. | |
Babe, I got the perfect camera, now I just need all night long to get you perfects shots. | |
Come back to my place and I’ll shoot you with my camera. | |
Do you have a camera? No? That's okay, I can still picture us together. | |
Don't worry. I always carry a filter with me if you are worried about protection. | |
Give it to me RAW. | |
Hey babe, are you a camera with broken lens? Because damn, I can’t focus. | |
How would like me to shoot you with my gear? Landscape shots do it lying flat or portrait shots do it standing up. | |
I had to make my aperture smaller because you are gorgeously bright. | |
I have to check if my camera is on auto focus because you are making everything else out-of-focus. | |
I left most of my gear at home but I did bring my 200mm. | |
I only focus on you with my camera. | |
I plan to ask a girl out. Here is a picture of her. | |
I think something's wrong with my targetted camera, cause I can't take my eyes of you. | |
I thought your face was a work of art. May I capture it with my camera? | |
If you flash me with your camera then I’ll flash you. | |
I've got you in my viewfinder. | |
Lets get our macro on and get in there nice and close. | |
Man we steppin' out like whoaaa, cameras point and shoot. Ask me what's my best side? I step back and point at you. | |
Mind pulling up your selfie camera real quick? Because I'd love to show you my world. | |
True love can never be captured by camera. | |
Wanna see how handle my tripod? | |
What say we go into a dark room and see what develops after our date? | |
You are so photogenic, i just want to be the camera to capture your every moment in my life. | |
You are the catchlight of my eyes. | |
You packin' something bigger than this lens? | |
You've got great lenses . . . I'd love to focus them sometime! | |