21 Dime Pick Up Lines

Capture the heart of that fine dime with cheesy dime pick up lines. Take advantage of these piggy bank dime related pick up lines. These pick up lines involving dimes will work for you. You a dim, pick up a dime, if I had a dime pick up lines. Impress & break the ice with that beautiful dime. Easy Copy & Paste!

Dime Pick Up Lines
Are you aware of the ongoing coin shortage? Because you’re the first dime I’ve seen in a long time.
Are you FDR? Because your a dime.
Are you the type of person that has a lot of spare change? A dime like you could be the change I need.
Babe you got any change? Because you are a fine dime piece.
Girl you be the 6, I'll be the 9, that's only time you'll be less than a dime.
Girl, you are not just a dime a dozen. You are my full dozen.
Hey did you know I can only tell when 10 cent coins are produced? Because I only date dimes.
I could use some spare change and you're a dime that I can use.
I don't ask for change anymore. Because you are the only dime I need.
I thought I counted all the change in the register. But I seemed to have missed a dime.
I’m not a numismatic. But you’re looking like a dime.
If I had a dime every time I saw a girl as pretty as you I would only have ten cents. Because no one is as pretty as you.
If I had a dime for every time I thought of you. I'd have one dime …because baby, you never left my mind.
If I had a dime piece every time I think of you. I'd be a millionaire.
There's nothing more I love than stacked dimes.
We're out of dimes in the register, can you get some more? We got a beautiful one right here.
Would you do it for a rare dime?
You got dimes? Because I would like to wrap you in my sheets.
You know, the US has a coin shortage. But it seems that I’ve found a dime.
You look so familiar! I swear I've seen you before in my piggy bank because you are a pretty dime.
You're such a dime I could just use you as a ball marker.

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