At a bank and see a hot girl, or is your guy or girl a loan officer in the banking industry? Use the best loan pick up line. Are you a loan pick up lines for the bank loan, student loan, auto loan and more. Easy Copy & Paste!
Loan Pick Up Lines | |
Are you a adjustable loan? Because I sense my interest rising. | |
Are you a bank loan? Because I got interest for you. | |
Are you a bank loan? Because I want to take you out and get a house with you. | |
Are you a credit loan? Because I want to finance our life together. | |
Are you an auto loan? Because you help moving my life forward. | |
Are you my student loan? Because you will f*ck me over and over after my classes. | |
Are you zero APR laon? Because your term says that you will have higher interest for me soon. | |
Are your parents loan originators? Because I want to submit my loan application to take you as my wife. | |
Babe, do you have a bank loan? Because you sure have my total interest. | |
Babe, you are not any bank loan. Because I will never default on you. | |
Bad credit, no problem. Because your beauty is my payment. | |
Do you offer loans? How much interest do I have to pay to borrow your titties night. | |
Girl, after tonight you won't think about your loans, because what's yours is mine. | |
Girl, do I own you any loan? Because I am about to get loan payoff tonight. | |
Girl, I am not just a loan. Because you have total ownership of me. | |
Got loans? Because I want you for life no matter the term. | |
How much down payment do I need to loan you out for life? | |
I hope you are a long term loan? Because I want to keep you for life. | |
You are like a high interest loan. Because I see my balance rising inside you. | |
You don't need to be a bridge loan to close the GAAP between us. | |
Your credit score is so fine, you can borrow my d*ck any time. |