24 Frog Pick Up Lines Do you like frogs or see frogs? Use cute frog pickuplines to capture a girl or guy’s attention. Say funny frog themed pick up lines. Are you a frog, the princess and the frog, kissing the frog, and more. Hop to bed with pick up line about frogs. Easy Copy & Paste! Frog Pick Up Lines Are you a frog? Because hippity hoppity, you're now my property.Copy This. Are you a frog? Because I want to kiss you.Copy This. Babe we are frogs, and we about to get tongue-tied.Copy This. Come lay under my lily pad, hop along now.Copy This. Do you know frogs can eat any animals? Because this frog is about to eat your pussy tonight.Copy This. Do you like it froggy style?Copy This. Don't worry. If you kiss me, I won't turn into a frog.Copy This. Girl, you could hop onto my lily pad any night.Copy This. Have you ever played leap frog naked?Copy This. Hey baby, it's a future rose from a future prince.Copy This. Hey girl I'd hop on your lily pad.Copy This. Hop on!Copy This. How about I hop over there and give you a nice sticky wet one!Copy This. I am going to croak without you in my life.Copy This. I would ribbit your goblet for sure. Ribbit.Copy This. If you and I were little frogs. We could sit on leaves together.Copy This. If you think I am a frog, let me show you what else this tongue is good for.Copy This. I'll make you wetter than my natural habitat.Copy This. I'm a frog but if you dance with me I may just turn into a prince.Copy This. I'm really a prince cursed by an evil witch. Kiss me now.Copy This. Is that a frog in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?Copy This. Kiss me. I won't turn into a prince but I'm a pretty good kisser.Copy This. Rubbit. Rubbit. Rubbit.Copy This. You're so fine. Finer than a frog hair split four ways.Copy This. Click me to show the form!