100 Pirate Pick Up Lines

We have compiled a list of funny pirate themed pick up lines for you to use. Like the other pick up lines, the best time to use these is when you are actually dressed up like a pirate, or if you are attending a pirate related event like pirate show, or talk like a pirate day. Use these pick up lines that only a pirate would say to help you start the conversation.

Pirate Pick Up Lines
A good captain goes down with his ship, wanna go down with me?
All hands on deck!
Anchor's away.
Approach your target and place your arm on their nearest shoulder: If you were a pirate, would you place your parrot on THIS shoulder or...(put your arm around them and touch the other shoulder) THIS shoulder?
Arg baby, Arg.
Arharrr, care to sink my battleship deary?
Arrrrrrrrrrrrr you free this Saturday?
Avast, me pretty! Strike your panties and prepare to be boarded. 
Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?
Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!" (Female Pirate)
Baby, my ship was sunk till I saw you.
Baby, you unfurl my sails.
Bring on the storm, I like it rough.
Brwaack! Polly want a cracker? … Oh, wait. That's for Talk Like a PARROT Day.
C'mon, lad, shiver me timbers! (Female Pirate)
Can I wear your patch ?
Come dock in my port.
Come on up and see me urchins.
Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad! (Female Pirate)
Do ya' mind if the parrot watches? 
Do you have the latest copy of Windows XP with cracked product activation? (software pirates only) 
Haaaarrrr! Best me plug that blowhole!
Harrrrr! Let me create the 8th sea in yerr undies!
Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?
Hey, sexy -- how about a Jolly Rogering? 
How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?
I got a bad case of scurvy…and your grapefruits are the only cure
I got me a bad case of scurvy, and your grapefruits are the only cure!
I hope you like to matey, because I'm about to swab your deck.
I like me some pirate booty.
I must be huntin' treasure, 'cause I'm diggin' yer chest!
I sure would like to pillage yer booty.
I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.
I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.
I'd swab your deck any day.
I'll be the captain if you be my first mate.
I'll beat your armada any day.
I'll bet you can't find my buried treasure. 
I'll give you a British pound and two gold coins.
I'll let you in on a big secret... that's no peg leg!
I'll pillage your ship!
I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs! (Female Pirate)
I've sailed the seven seas, and you're the sleekest schooner I've ever sighted.
Imma cut to the chase…you wanna hook-up?
Is that a belayin' pin in yer britches, or are ye... (Female Pirate)
Is that a cutlass in your pants or aarrrrrrrrrrrr you just happy to see me treasure chest?
Is that an 'X' on the seat of your pants? Because it appears that there's wond'rous booty buried underneath!
It may take a while to get to England in a row boat, but good things take time.
It would make me Jolly if we could Roger.
Just because one eye is patched doesn't mean I don't see how beautiful you are.
Let me stick me cannon in your porthole.
Let's get together and haul some keel.
Let's have a treasure hunt, cause X marks the spot.
Let's walk the plank to an out of this world experience.
Let's weigh anchor.
Me skull and crossbones arn't the only thing I plan on raisin' tonight. 
Nice poop deck on ya, lassie. Care fer a swabbin'? 
Not only do I have a ship, but it's a long one.
One look at you and a shiver went up me timber
Pardon me, but would ya mind if I fired me cannon through your porthole?
Polly wants a crack-whore.
RAMMING SPEED! (Female Pirate)
See this hook? Variable speed with five alternate attachments, Baby. 
So you're the new cabin boy, eh? 
So, tell me, why do they call ye, ""Cap'n Feathersword?"" (Female Pirate)
Strike yer panties and prepare to be boarded, lassie!
Swabbing the decks IS a euphemism. (The author's would like to thank Hetalia: Axis Powers for the preceding line.)
That's not an echo, my parrot thinks you're sexy too.
That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard! (Female Pirate)
That's some treasure chest you've got there.
That's the finest pirate booty I've ever laid eyes on.
They don't call me Long John because my head is so big.
Wanna come back to my home port and see my dock?
Wanna see my Davie Jones?
Wanna shiver me timbers?
Wanna take a ride in my crows nest?
Want to see my 9mm?
Well blow me down?
Well call me a landlubber, 'cause I'm about to plunder your Treasure Island.
What are YOU doing here? (Female Pirate)
WOW! I bet we could fit SIXteen men on that chest! 
Ya certainly put the shiver in me timber!
Ya know, darlin', I'm 97 percent chum free.
Yer guilty of being a hot wench. I sentence you to walking my plank!
Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.
Yo ho ho! How bout a bottle Of rum? Drink up cause we're about to get swashbuckled!
Yo ho! Bottle of rum? Drink up cause we're about to get swashbuckled!
Yo, ho ho! How 'bouts a bottle of rum?
Yo, ho! Bottle of rum? 
You blow my cannons.
You can lock my in your brig, baby.
You can sail my seven seas. 
You don't have to pay to get on board my ship.
You must be from Pearl Harbor, because baby, you're the bomb.
You raise my Jolly Roger.
You want to adjust my rigging?
You. Pants Off. Now! (Female Pirate)
You're drinking a Salty Dog? How'd you like to try the real thing?
You're guilty of being a hot wench…i sentence you to walking my plank
You're just the tasty wench I've been keeping me eye out for! 

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