Are you a fly guy? Because you sweep me off my feet. | |
Are you a termite? Because you're about to have a mouth full of wood. | |
Are you good at dissecting insects? Good. There's something I want you to see inside my fly. | |
Bee mine. | |
Bee my love. | |
Bee my drone. | |
Bee my honey. | |
Bee my queen. | |
Boy: "So you going to be a butterfly all night?" Girl: (puzzled look) Boy: "You know, pretty to see but hard to catch!" | |
Do you have some bug spray? Because I have butterflies in my tummy | |
Don't worry, that ain't web fluid. (Spider) | |
Every day with you is like a honeymoon. | |
Gimme a buzz and I'll bee yours. | |
Hey baby, what do you say we go out for a bite! (Mosquito) | |
Hi, do you dissect insects for scientific research? (No, why?) I thought you might want to look inside my fly. | |
High five! Oops! I guess you're stuck with me. | |
Honey, I'm stuck on you. | |
Honey, you're the bee's knees! | |
Honey, your thorax is huge! | |
How about we get together and cross pollinate? | |
I don't think you're ready for my royal jelly. | |
I got fleas! [Me, too] Wanna scratch my private itches? [Sure] | |
I used to waste time chasing butterflies , but nowadays because of you, I have them in my stomach. | |
I want you more than a Giant Sider wants light. | |
I will be happy to bite you. | |
I'm getting kinda hungry. Wanna have sex? (Female Praying Mantis) | |
I’m the flower, you’re the bee. Why don’t you suck the sweet pollen right out of me? | |
If I was a fruit fly, I'd land on you first. Because you are so sweet. | |
If you were a bee, I'd keep you! | |
Is that your stinger? Or are you just pleased to see me? | |
My heart beeats for you. | |
My spidey sense isn't the only thing tingling. | |
Pollinate me. | |
So what do you say later on we go out for some coffee table? (Termite) | |
This might sting... | |
Wanna do the waggle dance? | |
Want to see my butt glow? | |
What is the difference between me and mosquito? A mosquito will stop sucking once you slap it. | |
Yeah, my great great grandfather was Jimmy!! (Cricket) | |
You're bee-utiful. | |
You're like a butterfly beautiful to see but hard to catch. | |
You're so hot, you make my colony collapse! | |
You're sweeter than honey | |
Your like a bright light and im like a bug, because im so darn attracted to you. | |
Your sister said you were ugly, so keep my eyes covered and let's get on with it! | |