Do you love playing Hearthstone or want to date someone who loves Hearthstone. Use these Hearthstone pick up lines about different game play mechanics, cards, enchantments, and well known phrases. Whether you are playing Hearthstone game all night long on arena ranking battles, or just asking someone on a Hearthstone game night date, you have plenty of pickuplines to flirt with your loved one. Add love, spice, mana, and life to your romantic life. Easy Copy & Paste!
Hearthstone Pick Up Lines | |
Anduin Wrynn: I'm in love with your Divine Spirit. | |
Are you a 12 win arena deck because THOSE ARE SOME NICE CURVES. | |
Are you a buff? Because I want to draw my Quest Card. | |
Are you a priest? Because you just thoughtstole my heart. | |
Are you a taunt card? Cause I've just gotta hit that. | |
Are you a Warsong Commander? Cause my Emperor Cobra just got charge. | |
Are you an expert at Arena drafting? Cuz your curves are lookin' nice. | |
Are you Demon Hunter or Warlock? Because you just stole my heart. | |
Are you Nozdormu? Cause I'd only last 15 seconds. | |
Are you ranked play because I could grind you all night long. | |
Are you sylvannas? Cause you just stole my heart. | |
Are you wearing contacts or are those amazing Naturalize | |
Babe, do you want to experience some Overkill in bed tonight? | |
Babe, you want to check out my Descent of Dragons in bed? | |
Damn girl, that ass belongs in a museum. | |
Discard that and my Tiny Knight of Evil will become a Fearsome Doomguard. . | |
Do you have the Magnetic ability? Because I want to merge with you tonight. | |
Do you wanna see my collection? I've got a Giant Anaconda.. | |
Garrosh Hellscream: Nothing can Execute my love for you! | |
Get down! | |
Get down! WHAM | |
Girl are you a warlock? Because I'd pay life to tap that. | |
Girl you are so hot, my minion is instantly reborn after you destroyed it. | |
Girl, call me chakki cause I'm going to give you an over the top BM | |
Girl, you are the legendary in my deck. | |
Girl, you leave me speechless 'cause you're a keeper. | |
Give me a big hug. | |
Great now my legion is burning too. I knew i should've used protection. | |
Gul'dan: I'd abandon my Succubus to be with you. | |
Hey baby, are you Vicious Fledgling? Because I'd always pick you first. | |
Hey baby, wanna watch me deck my self. | |
Hey bae, wanna see my 'Wild Growth'? | |
Hey girl are you Naxx, cus I heard you were coming soon. | |
Hey girl, are you a raid leader? Cause you look like you're looking for someone that can handle hitting that very hard | |
Hey girl, I wanna take you to value town tonight. | |
Hi there. If we get busy, I'd like my minion to have divine shield. | |
Hit it very hard! | |
How much does a Chillwind Yeti weigh? Enough to break the ice. | |
I guess you can call me a hunter, cause your face is all I can think about. | |
I just Smite be in love with you. | |
I may not be good looking, but I'm ranked 20 online. | |
I might as well play my whole hand here, because after seeing you, I know this has to be a miracle. | |
I saw you playing with that coin so I though I'd make the first move. | |
I would give you a 10/10, but I am gonna call you a 4/5 because everything about you scream value. | |
I'd holy fire my Sylvanas to have you on my side | |
If I showed you The Beast, would you let out a Savage Roar? | |
If you were a minion, you'd be a 10/10. | |
I'm a Loot Hoarder, will you be my Fireblast? | |
I'm like Brann Bronzebeard- I can make you trigger twice. | |
Is that a Hearthstone deck in your pants or are you just happy to see me? | |
It's time for a little blood. | |
It's time to bleed. | |
I've got the beast in my sights! | |
Jaina Proudmoore: I'd use Ice Block to get another turn with you. | |
Just me and Mr. Bitey! | |
Just one look and you've popped my Ice Block. | |
Know why the ladies call me Nozdormu? It's definitely the 8/8 dragon part. | |
Lord Jaraxxus: You face Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion! | |
Malfurion Stormrage: I've really Starfallen for you! | |
Mgrlrllrl. | |
My Bestial Wrath lasts more than one turn. | |
My favorite Hearthstone hand is when yours is holding mine. | |
My hammer burns with holy fire. | |
My magic will tear you apart! | |
Nature will rise against you. | |
Pass me that arclight spanner. | |
Ready for Action! | |
Ready to Ride! | |
Rexxar: Your love has tamed the beast within! | |
SilverMoon shall not fall! | |
The end is coming! | |
The Hearthstone game isn't the only thing getting an expansion this week. | |
The pleasure is. . .yours | |
This Wild Growth will show you the Power of the Wild. | |
Thrall: My heart is overloaded with love for you. | |
Times up, let's do this! | |
Uther Lightbringer: Baby, you can call me Uther Lovebringer. | |
Valeera Sangulnar: Your love warms my Cold Blood. | |
wanna be my houndmaster? Because i've got a huge beast. | |
Wanna blow somethin' up? | |
Wanna hang out with a Handlock? I just keep tapping 'till I drop the giant. | |
Want to experience some Inner Fire tonight? | |
Watch your back. | |
WHAT YOU WANT! Baby I got it. | |
Yo you gettin' wet? Cause ma blade be t'irsty | |
You get me so excited I’m going to Lava Burst. | |
You have to be mana coz' I'm addicted to you! | |
You must be a Goldshire Footman, because I'm READY FOR ACTION! | |
You must be Alexstrasza because I've spent half my life looking for someone like you. | |
You'll love my new recipe | |
Your "Soul" shall be mine! | |
Your body is like a treasure. Mind if I roll need? | |
Your name must be Naxx, cuz i been waiting a lifetime for you. | |
YOUR SOUL SHALL BE MINE... and your heart. | |
You've got Flare. And if you use it right, it'll reveal my Snake Trap. |