Your eyes are like a sunset, They're Beautiful, inspiring, and hard to turn away from. | Beach | |
I don't know which is prettier today, the water, the sky or your eyes. | Beach | |
I must be lost... because I see paradise. | Beach | |
I'm not a very good swimmer, do you have any lifeguard experience? | Beach | |
Nice beach balls, can I play? | Beach | |
Is your name Summer? Cause you are hot! | Beach | |
I'll show you my tan lines if you show me yours. | Beach | |
You should go in the water, cuz you're so hot you're on fire! | Beach | |
I'm drowning in the sun and need mouth to mouth now! | Beach | |
You hear that? The ocean wants you to join me for a drink. | Beach | |
I barely noticed you in the winter months. | Beach | |
You're so hot, the sun is jealous. | Beach | |
Hear that? The ocean wants you to join me for a drink. | Beach | |
Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic Ocean, and I'm lost at sea. | Beach | |
I feel like I'm in Scandinavia, because when I'm with you its's like the sun never sets. | Beach | |
Hey baby, the sun isn't the only thing that rises. | Beach | |
Hey ladies, which way to the beach? | Beach | |
Do you have any sunscreen? 'Cause you are burning me up! | Beach | |
My buddies bet me that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl on the river. Wanna get a drink later with their money? | Boating/Sailing | |
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I float by again? | Boating/Sailing | |
I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran my boat into yours. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes. | Boating/Sailing | |
Have you ever driven a boat? Try to park it on my dock. | Boating/Sailing | |
Hey baby, wanna go for a ride on my big dinghy | Boating/Sailing | |
Would you like to sip on a margarita laying on a boat watching a sunset on a calm night? | Boating/Sailing | |
Now get out there and pick-up your boat race sweetie! | Boating/Sailing | |
If you were a boat I would keep you in a garage. | Boating/Sailing | |
Ay girl, I'd like to throw you on a trailer and haul you to the sea. | Boating/Sailing | |
You can shiver my timbers anytime. | Boating/Sailing | |
You'd make for some real smooth sailing | Boating/Sailing | |
You rock my boat like captain crunch. | Boating/Sailing | |
Nice life preservers. | Boating/Sailing | |
Permission to board? | Boating/Sailing | |
Baby, you've bought yourself a cruise on the Love Boat. I'll be your captain. | Boating/Sailing | |
Boy: Have u ever been fishing before? Girl: Why? Boy: I think we should hook up! | Fishing | |
I don't know if you've ever been fishing but I think we should hookup | Fishing | |
I like hookers. | Fishing | |
Do you prefer stiff or limp rods? | Fishing | |
Nice bobbers! | Fishing | |
Can i put my tackle in your box? | Fishing | |
Excuse me, can you hold my rod? | Fishing | |
You wanna come back, and see my minnows? | Fishing | |
I bet I could breath in them waders. | Fishing | |
Let me see your fly box. | Fishing | |
I've got a 9' rod. | Fishing | |
I normally fish for trout but I'll make and exception for you. | Fishing | |
Driftin with an attractor like you, baby, is always 'drag free'. | Fishing | |
You know I'm da man you been wading for. | Fishing | |
Can you tell me the proper way to present my fly to a lady. | Fishing | |
If you were a fly baby you'd be 'irresistible'. | Fishing | |
Fishing with you in September is best because you can't 'run-off'. | Fishing | |
Is this catch and release, cause I DON'T want to let you go. | Fishing | |
You know, I have the longest rod on this river. | Fishing | |
You see my friend over there trying to fly fish? [Point to friend] He wants to know if YOU think I'M cute. | Fishing | |
(As she is leaving her fishing hole) Hey aren't you forgetting something? (What?) Me! | Fishing | |
I always knew the best catch of my life would be on this river... | Fishing | |
My pull buoy's not the only thing that goes between these thighs. | Fishing | |
Are you Swedish? 'Cause you the sweetest fish I sea. | Fishing | |
We could make BEAUTIFUL fish together | Fishing | |
Damn you're like an award winning bass. I dunno whether to mount you or eat you. | Fishing | |
Wanna come back to my place and scrub algae? | Fishing | |
Could you hold my eel? He is a slippery little fucker. | Fishing | |
How aboat you come back to my place and check out my huge tank | Fishing | |
Can i fish in your pond? | Fishing | |
You can call me Nemo, because I'm never afraid to touch the butt. | Fishing | |
Can you call a lifeguard? Because I'm drowning in your eyes... | General | |
Don't save me just yet. Let me go down a few times. | General | |
I can't swim! Can I hold on to your floaties? | General | |
I perform best when I'm wet. | General | |
Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? | General | |
How was your last skinny dip? I bet I can make your next one better. | General | |
I wish I'd brought my towel, can I share yours? | General | |
I hope you know CPR, because you are taking my breath away. | General | |
Is your name summer? Because you are hot! | General | |
You make my heart slip 'n slide. | General | |
Ignore the ray bans. There is nothing shade-y about me. | General | |
Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? | General | |
I really like your suit. | General | |
Are you a low interval sprint set? ‘Cause you're making my face all red. | General | |
You're like the anti-fog spray for my goggles, you just brighten up my day. | General | |
I could put some motion in your ocean. | General | |
You've got the fanciest fantail I've ebber seen. | General | |
So you're mermaid huh? I take it you are very accustomed to seamen then? | General | |
Excuse me, do I need to buy a ticket for your fantastic voyage? | General | |
I'm a Love Pirate, and I'm here for your booty! ARRRGGGHHH!!! | General | |
Can I see your tan lines? | General | |
I know they say there's plenty of fish in the sea, but I think you're my nemo. | Scuba Diving | |
I'm about to dive into the sea...that pu-sea | Scuba Diving | |
The way your mask leaves those lines on your face is soooo sexy! | Scuba Diving | |
I'm either bent or in love, sweetheart, because when I see you I get all tingly. | Scuba Diving | |
Can you believe they still kill dolphins in some countries? | Scuba Diving | |
Voulez-vous plongez avec moi? | Scuba Diving | |
I'm tired of one-dive stands — I'm looking for some meaningful buddy breathing. | Scuba Diving | |
That wetsuit would look great on my floor! | Scuba Diving | |
Tan line from a wedding ring? No, that's just mysterious underwater coral bleaching. | Scuba Diving | |
Pardon me, when you walked by my mouth went dry ... could you spit in my mask for me? | Scuba Diving | |
Of course it's for science! We're all gonna be living down here one day!! | Scuba Diving | |
Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can really see myself in your wetsuit. | Scuba Diving | |
Nice tanks | Scuba Diving | |
Rebreather divers go down deeper and stay longer | Scuba Diving | |
Cave divers like tight wet holes | Scuba Diving | |
I hear scuba diving does a body good. Wow, you must dive A LOT! | Scuba Diving | |
How long do you usually go down for? | Scuba Diving | |
Was your dad Neptune? 'Cause I think you are a mermaid. | Scuba Diving | |
Your eyes are the same colour as my wetsuit. | Scuba Diving | |
I got the boat. You got the harbor. What say we tie up for the night? | Scuba Diving | |
If I follow you, will you keep me? | Scuba Diving | |
Are you a rescue diver? Please rescue me by coming back to my place later. | Scuba Diving | |
I'm a single diver. | Scuba Diving | |
I'm narked. | Scuba Diving | |
Hey babe, do you know that my mouth can generate over 750 psi? | Scuba Diving | |
Can I take your photo angelfish? | Scuba Diving | |
Will you go diving with me in the morning, should I phone you or just nudge you? | Scuba Diving | |
Do you believe in penetration on the first dive? | Scuba Diving | |
Is that a giant triton shell in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? | Scuba Diving | |
I was holding my dive computer when I realized I'd rather be holding you. | Scuba Diving | |
Do you have a map to this dive site? 'Cause I keep getting lost in your eyes. | Scuba Diving | |
Blow bubbles if you want to sleep with me. | Scuba Diving | |
That's a nice wetsuit. Can I talk you out of it? | Scuba Diving | |
That wetsuit would look great on the floor next to my bed. | Scuba Diving | |
Do you believe that size doesn't matter only the expansion rate? | Scuba Diving | |
Can I go down with you? | Scuba Diving | |
Are you a surfboard?, cause you look like you need a waxing before I can take a ride. | Surfing | |
I love the way the ocean pounds the surf. | Surfing | |
Your surfboard is so big! | Surfing | |
Can I swim in your eyes on a hot summer day? | Swimming | |
Hey girl, you make my heart flutter kick. | Swimming | |
I never have a false start. | Swimming | |
Do you have swimmers as good as China? We'll have to do something about that... | Swimming | |
Man, you have to be a swimmer, because you blow everyone else out of the water with your good looks! | Swimming | |
They called me the human torpedo even before I took up swimming. | Swimming | |
I've never won gold in the breast stroke, but that could all change tonight. | Swimming | |
Hey girl, is your name 400 IM? 'Cause you took my breath away. | Swimming | |
If you got out with me, I can get you Michael Phelps' phone number. | Swimming | |
Hey girl, I'd swim across the ocean just to see you smile. | Swimming | |
Hey girl, I'd swim up to 800 meters for your love. | Swimming | |
Hey girl, lane lines can't keep us apart. | Swimming | |
People tell me I have a good breaststroke, but I'd say I'm a pretty good swimmer too. | Swimming | |
You really flipturn me on. | Swimming | |
Girl, you give me the butterflies. | Swimming | |
Are you the splash-and-dash because you've got my heart beating. | Swimming | |
I'm Ryan Lochte. She tells you you're not. I'm Nathan Adrian. Again she calls your bluff. Keep going until you find a swimmer that she'll believe. | Swimming | |
Here's a fun game, you be the Titanic and I'll be the iceberg hitting on you. | Titanic | |
And you're here in my heart. And my heart will go on and on. Seriously, until you go out with me I'll keep singing | Titanic | |
You would have survived the Titanic sinking, you're my better half. | Titanic | |
Near, far, wherever you are – as long as it's in the same zip code. | Titanic | |
We should go practice never letting go. | Titanic | |
I know you said you didn't want to go out, but you know what, they said the Titanic was unsinkable. I'll pick you up at 8. | Titanic | |
I know you're out of my league, but I show you below decks if you show me steerage. | Titanic | |
I can't stop sinking a boat you. | Titanic | |
You shouldn't care that I'm broke. Didn't you see Titanic, the poor people had way more fun, up until they all drowned. | Titanic | |
Let's commemorate the sinking of the Titanic and drown our sorrows together. | Titanic | |
I'll treat you like the Heart of the Ocean, except the part where it is tossed overboard. | Titanic | |
Do you like water polo? Because you look like you like to get down and dirty in the water | Water Polo | |