Am I in the advanced class? Because I like to go hard. | |
Are you a pranayama teacher? Because you just took my breath away. | |
Are you doing Ananda Balasana, or are you just happy to see me, baby? | |
Can I Get in your yoga pants sometime? | |
Can you feel that universal energy flowing from me to you? | |
Did you get those yoga pants on sale? Because at my house they're 100% off. | |
Do you come here often? | |
Do you like yoga? Because I could downward dog you all night. | |
Do you like yoga? Because yoganna love this dick | |
Do you like yoga? If you do, then Yoganna LOVE me! | |
Do your practice and I am coming.. | |
Every muscle in your body is beautiful. | |
Hey maybe you can give me a private lesson sometime? | |
I bet you’re really flexible. | |
I bet you’re really flexible. | |
I can think of an activity that'll make you sweat even more than a 90 minute hot yoga class... | |
I can’t even touch my toes. | |
I do yoga so I look better naked. Care to see my progress? | |
I enjoy your company and the silence in between our yoga mats. | |
I find my core strength in you. | |
I hope your into yoga, because your going to get a good stretch tonight. | |
I love it when you wear your yoga pants all day. | |
I love your energy. | |
I love your sexy moan when you stretch. | |
I meditate about you. Will you do the same too? | |
I wanna be your yoga pants. | |
I want to see you do yoga. Can I watch you? | |
I want to stretch with you. | |
I would hug you after a Bikram Yoga class | |
I'd let you Chataranga over me any day! | |
I'm a gymnast, so if you're down for some mattress yoga, count me in! | |
I'm doing yoga tonight but I rather be doing you. | |
If I told you that you had a hot yoga body, would you hold it against me? | |
If you think my camel is impressive, wait until you see my snake. | |
Is it hot in this Bikram studio, or is it just you? | |
Keep calm and touch your toes for me. | |
Looking for Mr. Right? I have great core strength. | |
My Cobra pose isn't the only thing that's rising upward. | |
Ommmm... let's meet up in our spirit form. | |
Once you finish deep breathing, do you want to start panting? | |
So do you do all that weird breathing stuff? | |
So…do you work out? | |
That's a nice pair of yoga pants. Can I talk you out of them? | |
There's nothing humble about my warrior. | |
Wanna join me for some downward doggy-style tonight? | |
We are perfect balance for each other. | |
We aren't even in hot yoga, but you have me sweating. | |
We can share my yoga mat so we can become one. | |
What is your favorite yoga pose? Can you demonstrate it in bed? | |
When you're in the lotus position, I just want to pollinate you. | |
White girls that wear yoga pants...Goddamn. | |
Whoa, you’re flexible. I bet that comes in handy outside of class. | |
Why don't I help you stretch before yoga tonight? | |
Why don't we get naked and really get in touch with ourselves? | |
Why don't we try these positions in bed? | |
Wow, you're flexible... I'd love to see what you can do outside of class! | |
You could bounce a quarter off that asana! | |
You know what they say about girls who are flexible | |
You look good on your yoga mat. | |
You've got great posture. I'd love to see you flow sometime. | |
Your pants say yoga, but your ass says McDonalds. | |
Your presence gives meaning to my yoga practice and enlightenment. | |
Your sun salutation would get me to rise every morning. | |
..why does this exist