38 Mad Men Pick Up Lines

Love the TV show Mad Men, or want to pick up anyone who is a fan of the TV show? Use these Mad Men inspired pick up lines to help you land on that hot guy or girl! Impress your loved one if you are already in a relationship with these witty inside phrases to help i

Mad Men Pick Up Lines
They say once you start drinking alone, you're an alcoholic. I'm really trying to avoid that' Don Draper: 'So I guess I'm helping both of us'
“I'm not the solution you're looking for. I'm another problem.” That's from Mad Men. Hot right?
Anybody mind if I take off my pants?
Can I expense you a drink?
Forget growing old together, let's pickle our youth in gin together.
Give me a martini please.
Hey baby, let's take a 17-month hiatus together and then pretend it never happened.
Hey girl, show me your Joans.
I don't mind sleeping alone, but napping in my office without you is unbearable.
I just was giving her a hard time... can I give you one too?
I like redheads. Their mouths are like a drop of strawberry jam in a glass of milk.
I was trying to communicate without words, but it's not working.
I'm guaranteed best on the market, voted #1 in satisfaction, and will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and invigorated.
I'm just like Peggy Olson... Come back to my place, I've got all the ideas and will do all the work.
I'm just like the show 'Mad Men'. I'll make you wait until Sunday night, and then I'll make you scream.
I'm not a solution to your problem. I'm another problem.
I'm not trying to hit on you. I'm selling you a product, and that product is me.
I'm just like Mad Men, I'll make you wait till Sunday night — and then I'll make you scream.
I'm just like Peggy Olson: Come back to my place, I've got all the ideas and will do all the work.
I'm not trying to hit on you. I'm selling you a product, and that product is me. Guaranteed best on the market, voted #1 in satisfaction, and will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and invigorated.
If you really love me, you'll make me your mistress.
Let's ignore the Surgeon General's warning together... Lucky Strike?
Let's sexercise.
Look, I want to tell you something and I hope you understand it comes from the bottom of my damaged, damaged heart. You are the finest piece of ass I ever seen and I don't care who knows it.
My generation, we drink because it's good, because it feels better than unbuttoning your collar, because we deserve it. We drink because it's what men do.
My name is Peggy Olson and I wanna smoke some marijuana
Now, all I need is a cigarette and you.
Of course I'm sketchy, I'm an art director.
The drunker you are, the funnier I become. ABC did research.
The sun's almost down. Why aren't you drunk yet?
This isn't China. There's no money in virginity.
Want to grab lunch?
What you call 'love' was invented by guys like me. To sell Nylons.
When God closes a door, he opens a dress.
When you can't feel your cheeks, you've had enough
Why it is that whenever a man takes you to lunch around here, you're the dessert?
You don't want to get in this boys club... it wants to get in you.

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