Can I see your tan lines? | |
Can you call a lifeguard? Because I'm drowning in your eyes... | |
Come take a ride on my "Slip and slide". | |
Dayyum put your shirt back on because your so hot i think im gonna have to put on my sunglasses | |
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I float by again? | |
Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot? | |
Do you have water wings? Because I think heaven is missing an angel who can't swim very well. | |
Do you like fireworks? [Yes.] Well here they come. [Put your arms up and ready to go around shoulder.] | |
Do you like roller coasters? Because I can not only rock your world, but I can send you on a ride you will never forget. | |
Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? | |
Don't save me just yet. Let me go down a few times. | |
Hello wanna see my pet snake, I won two years in a row for best performance. | |
Hello, cowboy! How about kicking up you heels with me, at the outdoor concert? | |
Hello. Would you like to be in the sword-swallowing act? | |
Hey baby, I want to ride you like a roller coaster. Just try not to puke. | |
Hey baby! It doesn't take a ticket to let you ride me. | |
Hey baby!!! Let's see if you can knock me in the water. It's harder than the pudding wrestling. | |
Hey look, fireworks! (makes firework sounds and makes explosion motion with hands, putting arm around girl) | |
Hey sugar pie, I would love to buy you a fennel cake. | |
Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here is my number. [Theme Park of your choice], maybe? | |
Hey, you wanna ride the big slide? | |
Hi. Would you like to try the "Whack-a-Mole"? | |
How about trying the thrill ride in my pants? | |
I can't swim! Can I hold on to your floaties? | |
I couldn't help but notice you lost your bikini top on that waterslide, give me your number and I'll let you have it back. | |
I dare you to go on that roller coaster with me! | |
I don’t want to brag, cutie, but my line of bull is way longer than his! | |
I got an amusement park in my pants. | |
I hope you got flood insurance cause you're about to get wet | |
I hope you know CPR, because you are taking my breath away. | |
I hope you like fireworks cause I want to end this night with a bang. | |
I know I'm not supposed to put you on a pedestal, so will you please come down off the high-dive tower? | |
I know you should wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming, but how long do I have to wait after feasting on your contemporary good looks before I can ask you out? | |
I own the best roller coaster in the world wanna ride it? | |
I perform best when I'm wet. | |
I really like your suit. | |
I see you already have the buns. | |
I think I've found the blue-ribbon melons! | |
I want to eat you like a redneck eating an elephant ear at the county fair. | |
I wish I'd brought my towel, can I share yours? | |
I wish you were a carousel at Wal-Mart so I could ride you all day long for just a quarter!! | |
I'll show you a ride with no wait time. | |
I'm a theme park, ride me before the sun sets. | |
I’d like to put a set of horns like those there on yore husband, pretty nanny! | |
I’ll be glad to clean off your sweet lips real quick-like, you puddin’ face doll! (Fair's ladies pudding consumption contest) | |
If I could rename this place Id call it (date's name) studios because you are my universe | |
Ignore the ray bans. There is nothing shade-y about me. | |
Ignore the RayBans—there’s nothing shady about me, sunshine. | |
Is your name summer? Because you are hot! | |
Life is a roller coaster. You can either scream every time you hit a bump or you can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it. | |
Miss? Would you like to try an Italian sausage? | |
Nice life preservers. | |
Nicest melons at the fair, honey! Sweet and succulent-looking, ya’ know? | |
Put on some SPF 30+, so I can get to irradiating you. | |
Save a horse, ride a cowboy! (mechanical bull) | |
There are people who say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Apparently, none of them have ever been in your arms. | |
Wanna go over and watch the funnies buck? | |
Wanna hold my corn dog? | |
Want to see Goofy's playhouse? | |
Want to share a locker? | |
Were you born at an amusement park? Because after being with you I feel dizzy, then sick, then excited, then hungry for funnel cake, then I want to do it all over again. | |
What's a nice girl like you doing on a sandbar like this? | |
Why don't you and me go back to my John Deere Green Ford Truck and share a moon pie whilst we watch the fireworks. | |
Would you like to go on a ride with me? | |
Wow! Did you grow those yourself? | |
You had me at "Let's go to Disneyland". | |
You have to be this tall to ride this ride. | |
You make my heart slip 'n slide. | |
You remind me of a roller coaster, every time I think about riding you I get sick... love sick | |
You, me, amusement park? | |