40 Single Parents and Playground Pick Up Lines

It can be hard to meet new people when you are a single parents. However, you have chances to meet other single women or men with kids at Playgrounds or kids friendly places. Use these Pick Up Lines to help you break the ice with other single mom and dads at play areas.

Single Parents and Playground Pick Up Lines
Are those pencil erasers in your shirt or are you just happy to see me?
Are you at the PTA meeting last night?
Are you the mother duck because you quack me up
Can I buy you lunch/brunch sometimes before picking up kids from school?
Care for some afternoon delight?
Do you have a Band-Aid/Wipe/Diaper/sunscreen?
Do you know where that that other playground is?
Do you rent or own your flute?
Have we met before, do you know the ______ family?
Have we met before? I think our kids attend the same ____ class.
Hey diddle diddle, that's what I want you to do to my vagina.
Hey girl. I think it's cute when you're still in your pj's. Tell me what you pinned and I'll rub your feet.
How old is your baby?
I like you. Can we have sexy time?
I want to color-you-mine!
I'm single and desolate. Can you help me?
If I could change the alphabet I would put I and U together.
If you weren’t a parent, what kind of car would you drive?
Is your kid more of a teeter-totter-girl or a slide-man?
Let's play pretend!
Letters starts with ABC, numbers starts with 123, music starts with DO-RE-MI, love starts with YOU and ME!!
Nice minivan.
Nope, no ice cream. You’re going to eat dinner soon at daddy’s house. Sorry, what was your name again?
Of course there's lots of single mom/dad in the playground, but you're the only one I'd love to meet.
Our kids are playing together. It must be fate!
Roses are red, violets are blue. i want to hump your face.
Should I tell my babysitter I'm going to be home late?
Sorry, I couldn't help but notice how sexy your stroller is.
Those are so cute, where did you get your kid's shoes?
Wanna be a parent?
Wanna come over for a play date?
We should hang out sometime.
Where’s your kid go to daycare?
Would you like to go on a "double" date?
Would you like to go on a kids-free date?
Would you like to join us at Color-me-mine and let me buy you a cup of coffee while at it?
You can play in my playground anytime.
You come here often?
You make me want to be a better parent.
Your kid is beautiful. I see he/she takes after his/her dad/mom.

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