Boy bands sure have a place in our heart, especially for those grow up in the 90s. Remember iconic bands like Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees. More recent ones like One-Direction, Jonas Brothers, The Wanted. Here is a list of boy bands pick up lines.
Is your loved one or person of interest is into boy bands? Make these pick up lines work for you and bring more flirt into your life!
Boy Bands Pick Up Lines | |
A.J. McLean: baby, my cigarette won't light up, can you use your looks to give it fire? | |
Aaron Carter: hey, If my brother nick lets me maybe we can go out. My tits are bigger than your so I can breast feed if we have children | |
All of my tips are frosted. All. | |
Attach all the strings you want, baby (N'Sync) | |
Do you like Backstreet Boys. Good, because my penis is larger than life. | |
Don't fight it, girl. It's gonna be May | |
Drew Lachey: baby, I'm only 98 degrees. I need you to give me .6 degrees of love to get me to the right temperature (98 Degree) | |
Girl, your pants are about to go bye bye bye (N'Sync) | |
Hey girl, it's now or never (One Direction – Live While We Are Young) | |
How deep is | |
Howie Dorough: ever hear the story about how the ugly toad became a prince once he was kissed? | |
I count the blessings that keep our love new. There's one for me And a million for you. | |
I don't care who you are, Where you're from, What you did, As long as you love me (Backstreet Boys) | |
i got an idea would you be my girlfriend i'll treat you good (N'Sync) | |
I got my Library card out and I'm checkin you out (One Direction) | |
I have an "owie" on my lip. Will you | |
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love (One Direction – Live While We Are Young) | |
I literally can't live without you. | |
I only know one phrase in Spanish: Una noche. And I mean it. (98 Degree) | |
I still love you in the year 3000 (Jonas Brothers) | |
I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me (One Direction – Rock Me) | |
I'll burn your rug | |
I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you what I wanted to tell you (One Direction – Last First Kiss) | |
I've got the right stuff... in my pants | |
If I'm not the one you want then maybe I'll be the one you need (N'Sync) | |
If you want to hold onto anything, hold on to me! | |
Im burnin up for you | |
In my world, before you | |
I lived outside my emotions | |
Didn't know where I was going 'Til that day I found you. (98 Degree) | |
Is 98 degrees hot enough for ya? | |
It's tearing up my heart..not banging you (N'Sync) | |
Joey Fatone: hey baby want to suck the fat-one? | |
Justin Timberlake: hey yo, are you from my home state of Tennessee cuz you the only "Ten" I "See" | |
Lance Bass: your looks are so beautiful my face is white with envy | |
Lemme round out your arrangement | |
Let's make like a fabric softener and 'Snuggle' | |
My clothes are off.. and I want it that way. | |
My universe will never be the same. I’m glad you came. | |
Nick Carter: the only thing that looks better than you is food | |
No one ever looked so good in a dress' (One Direction – Nobody Compares) | |
Rich Cronin: Hi, my name is rich. I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch.[well that one was obvious heheeh] | |
Ricky Martin: hey man I like your pecks, I mean hey lady I want to eat some bon bons. | |
Slow down sugar, because I'm diabetic. | |
So, Howie gonna do this? | |
Tell me how to turn your love on (One Direction – Kiss You) | |
Tonight, let's get some! (One Direction – Live While We Are Young) | |
Wanna do a little east coast swing? (Boyz II Men) | |
We wear matching overalls | |
When I look into your eyes, I know that it's true. God must have spent...A little more time On you. | |
when you finally get to love somebody guess what? its gonna be me (N'Sync) | |
Would he please you? Would he kiss you? Would he treat you like I would? (One Direction – I Would) | |
You'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to (One Direction – Little Things) | |
You're giving me a heart attack, looking like you do (One Direction - Heart Attack) | |
Your SOS got my attention! (One Direction) | |
Zac Hanson: just think you may be the lucky girl my parents finally allow me to go on a date to Chuck E. Cheese's with |
Nick Carter you need a better pick up line then that one