(Staring at boxes of cereal) I treat all boxes with respect. Copy This.
A pretty lady wasn't on my shopping list but I can be spontaneous. Copy This.
Ain't nothing sticky about those buns – they look nice and smooth. Copy This.
Are those melons fresh? Copy This.
Are we in the laxatives aisle? 'Cause the thought of hooking up with you is running though my mind like crazy. Copy This.
Are you as spicy as your artisan hot sauce? Copy This.
Baby, have you been eating your Campbell's soup? Because you are looking Mmm, Mmm good! Copy This.
Baby, you better get out of that express lane, 'cause you're all that *and* a bag of chips. Copy This.
Baby, you're so sweet, you put Hershey's out of business. And, speaking of Hershey's, how about a kiss? Copy This.
Can I be your next varietal? Copy This.
Can I help you carry your groceries to the car? Copy This.
Can I help you? Copy This.
Can I wear your plaid flannel when I make you breakfast tomorrow morning? Copy This.
Clean up in Aisle BVD! Copy This.
Did you ever notice that supermarket music is actually ideal for slow dancing with strangers? Copy This.
Did you know that kale is not an aphrodisiac? Copy This.
Do you know if they sell organic Oreos? Copy This.
Do you know which aisle the edible underwear is in? Oh wait, wrong store! Copy This.
Do you like free samples? Copy This.
Do you like hot chocolate? I like hot chicks. Copy This.
Do you need helping seeding your flower garden for next season? Copy This.
Do you prefer organic or local? Because I’m both. Copy This.
Does your Dad own Snapple, because you're made of the best stuff on earth. Copy This.
Don’t you just love stone fruit? Copy This.
Egg whites are for pussies. A real man doesn't criticize an egg for it's fatty parts, he loves an egg just the way it is. Copy This.
Funny meat-ing you here. Copy This.
Give me your address and I'll help you put your groceries away. Copy This.
Got milk? You look like you would. Copy This.
Have you ever frolicked in the fields of [name of your favorite farm]? Copy This.
Have you ever seen a guy eat an entire can of pinto beans in under 10 seconds? Would you like to? Copy This.
How about a little roll in the Bakery Department? Copy This.
How can you tell if these things are ripe? (At produce section) Copy This.
How do you know when an avocado is ripe? Copy This.
How do you like your organic, free range eggs? Copy This.
How early do you rise? Copy This.
How long does it take for your bread to rise? Copy This.
How much of this caviar do you think I can get into the trunk of my Ferrari? Copy This.
I actually prefer that life give me lemons so that I can make a pretty lady like you some lemonade on a hot Summer's day. Copy This.
I always like to keep my place stocked with coffee and breakfast food in case I don't wake up alone. Copy This.
I avoid the candy aisle because I'm sweet enough on my own. Copy This.
I believe a woman should eat as much chocolate as she pleases. Copy This.
I buy chicken breast but I don't stare at it for too long because I respect what a chicken has to say. Copy This.
I buy garbage bags because I always take out the garbage. Copy This.
I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve got 3 bags of Cool Ranch Doritos in your basket. Marry me? Copy This.
I don't believe in lean pork. I like a lady with meat on her bones. Copy This.
I don't care *how* many items you've got, baby, I could check you out all day long! Copy This.
I don't chew gum. I'd prefer to nibble on your ear while whispering sweet nothings into it. Copy This.
I don't own a cat. I'm buying this cat food because I rescue a kitten from a tree at least once a week. Copy This.
I don't work at this store, but may I be of assistance to you anyway? Copy This.
I forgot my reusable bag, can I borrow one of yours? Copy This.
I had a great time tonight. Would you like to plan the second date? Copy This.
I hate oranges. Will you be my main squeeze? Copy This.
I have been staring at you from all angles around the store but now that we're here in the checkout line I feel like it's appropriate. Copy This.
I hear lavender makes underwear drawers smell nice, does it? Copy This.
I hear spices like cayenne can act as an aphrodisiac? Do you know? Copy This.
I heard milk does the body good, but man, how much have you been drinking? Copy This.
I hope I'm on your list of things to pick up today. Copy This.
I know you make artisan cheese, but what else can you do with your hands? Copy This.
I like baby carrots because they totally fit in your mouth. Copy This.
I like chicken breast. Actually, I love all breasts. Copy This.
I like my men like my homemade bread, dense. Copy This.
I really can't finish a box of strawberry all by myself, Would you like to share with me over some wine? Copy This.
I see you’re pretty skilled at churning your butter. Copy This.
I think grapes are very sensual. Copy This.
I'm buying some stuff for a party later today. Would you like to join me? Copy This.
I'm buying this T-Bone for my dog. I'm really a vegetarian that respects all walks of life – especially women. Copy This.
I'm trying to convince myself that Corn Pops are healthy. Copy This.
I've got some meat here that's 'Best if used by tonight. Copy This.
I’d love a taste of that [insert name of product] before I commit to buying. Copy This.
I’d love to do a vegetable wash for you. Copy This.
I’d offer to help you carry those bags, but I threw my back out saving an orphan from a runaway paddleboat. Little tyke didn’t even see it coming. Thank god I was there. Copy This.
I’m a man at a farmers market. Of course I’m a catch. Copy This.
I’ve always wanted to be a farmer’s wife. Copy This.
If I give you my extra coupon will you write my number on it? Copy This.
If you were a bouquet of fresh cut flowers, I would take you home. Copy This.
If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be? Copy This.
Is it really cold in frozen foods, or are you just happy to see me? Copy This.
Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? But really, I don’t think you’re supposed to put the bananas in your pocket. They have plastic bags for that. Copy This.
Is your name Pepsi? Because you sure are sizzling. Copy This.
Isn’t it tuber time? Copy This.
It says right here that this frozen pizza is enough for two. Copy This.
It's the end of the world — again! (At magazine rack) Copy This.
It’s funny how slippery this jam is! Copy This.
Just call me Elvis 'cause I love my meat tender. Copy This.
Let me help you with that. Copy This.
Let's 'bag' this place and go get a coffee. And yes, I am proud of that pun. Copy This.
Let's make like fabric softener and snuggle. Copy This.
Let’s get dirty. Copy This.
Let’s just say that my peach-squeezing skills extend to other fruits as well. Like boobs. Copy This.
Let’s pick up some artisanal breads and make a baby. Copy This.
Look like we've got a long wait here in the check out line, so why don't we get acquainted. Copy This.
Looks like you’re buying meat. Cool. Copy This.
May I use those melons for my Fruit of the Loom salad? Copy This.
Mmm, these honey samples are so mouthwatering. Copy This.
My meat is very interested in being inside of your fridge. Copy This.
Nice basket. Wait! No! I didn't mean it like that. On the upside, you're really good at slapping people in the face. Copy This.
Oh, you’re out of eggs? That’s ok, you can have mine. Copy This.
Okay, here’s the deal: I’ll let you take the last stuffed crust frozen pizza if you let me take you to dinner. At your house. Where we’ll be having frozen pizza. Copy This.
Orange you glad citrus is finally in season? Copy This.
Orange you glad I didn't say 'banana?' I mean, you know the joke 'orange you glad...?' What I'm saying is, I'd like to make out with you. Copy This.
Our love would be 100% organic. Copy This.
Paper or latex? I mean latex or plastic? You know what I mean. Copy This.
Price check for mixed roasted nuts on aisle 69! Copy This.
Pssst! My piggly is wiggly. Copy This.
Reading a shopping list, eh? I see we're both fans of the classics. Copy This.
Roses are red, bananas are yellow, wanna go out with a nice little fellow? Copy This.
So how would you like to become a stock *man*? Copy This.
So, how long have you been pickling these cucumbers? Copy This.
That hand spun sweater looks big enough for two to get cozy in. Copy This.
The expiration date says "best if used by tonight." Can I make you dinner? Copy This.
There are over six hundred varieties of heirloom tomatoes, but there’s only one of me. Copy This.
There is no expiration date for true love. Copy This.
These bags of organic spinach would make some great pillows don’t you think? Copy This.
These groceries aren't for me. They're for my grandma. Copy This.
These Heirloom tomatoes are so firm and juicy. Copy This.
These peppers are, like, so yellow. Which reminds me—what are you doing Saturday? Copy This.
These plums are so soft. Copy This.
These two quail eggs just fit in my hand perfectly. Copy This.
This beer has a very sensual taste. What were you thinking of when you brewed it? Copy This.
This bushel is so dry, let’s change that. Copy This.
This diaper rash ointment isn't for my ass, it's for a tattoo that just so happens to be on my ass. Copy This.
This isn't a beer belly, it's a fuel tank for the love machine. Copy This.
This selection is nuts. Copy This.
Those bananas ain't got nothing on me. Copy This.
Those Carhartt overalls would look even better on my floor. Copy This.
Want to come over later and help me shuck? Copy This.
Want to cross pollinate? Copy This.
Want to melt my beeswax candles tonight? Copy This.
Want to show me how to make steamy greens? Copy This.
Was your Dad a baker? Because you've got a nice set of buns! Copy This.
What a coincidence! You've got butter in your cart, and I've got a copy of 'Last Tango in Paris' at home! Copy This.
What a huge eggplant. Copy This.
What a small world! I belong to the Safeway Club, too! Copy This.
What are you doing hanging out in aisle 3? You clearly belong in aisle 9. Aisle 10 is within arm's reach but that all depends on whether or not you'll have dinner with me. Copy This.
What do you do in your off season? Copy This.
What else can you pickle? Copy This.
What it doesn't say on the back of that can of whipped cream is that it tastes really good on my skin. Copy This.
What’s your favorite late night snack? Pie? I’ll buy 6 of them. That way you’ll have something to munch on after our fierce yet tender bang sesh. Copy This.
What’s your favorite way to eat rhubarb? [Wait for answer] I’d love to make it for you. Copy This.
Wow—funny MEAT-ing you here. Get it? How 'meat' and 'meet' are homophones? You should help me stop talking. Copy This.
Wow, looks like dinner's at your place tonight. Copy This.
You are so hot. I bet I could cook an egg right there on your ass cheek. Copy This.
You can have that last bag of chips if I can bag your number. Copy This.
You elevate checking out to a mystical event worthy only of gods and champions. Copy This.
You know it's really dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section. Because with your looks you could melt all this stuff! Copy This.
You know, a sack full of groceries can't hug you back. On the other hand, I totally can. Copy This.
You know, it ain't often that I see a lady buying pork rinds, and when I see a lady buying pork rinds, I says to myself, 'This is one chick I *got* to get to know better. Copy This.
You must be a sustainably farmed mushroom because you’re really growing on me. Copy This.
You must be NUTS to shop here, but that's quite a (pih)STASH(io) you've got! cah-SHEW! I just sneezed. Please come back. I swear I'll stop. Copy This.
You put the hot in hothouse… cucumbers. Too much? Sorry. Maybe we should make out. Copy This.
You sure have big baguettes! Copy This.
You: It's dangerous for you to be here in the frozen food section. Because you could melt all this stuff. Copy This.
You’re so cute I’d add you to my woven basket. Copy This.
You’ve got a box of those limited edition tattoo fruit roll-ups, and I’ve got a sugar craving and a bunch of extra spit. Let’s get it on. Copy This.
Your hands seem to be full. I have big panniers you can borrow to bike all that produce home. Copy This.
Your name must be Lucky Charms, because you're magically delicious. Copy This.
???????????????????????? My first reaction to reading these was ‘Oh My God!’ If Any of these terrible pick up lines were spoken to a woman at the supermarket or anywhere else they would definetly run for the hills thinking your a complete loser!!! Hahaha. I am pretty sure all of these pickup lines were written by an old grandma over 80 years of age!! ???????????????????????? But If this page was meant to be a joke, well pretty funny then!! Haha
Did anyone get laid?
lame, not a single funny line that would help get a date, but lots of ones that would make a person come across as creepy and for sure never get a date
I did