Am I too loud, perhaps you should shush me with your lips. | |
Archivist do it with gloves on, good that we aren't. | |
Are you a librarian? Because girl you point me to my wildest imagination. | |
Are you a librarian? Do you believe in open access policy? | |
Are you friends of the library? Great, because my name is The Library. | |
Are you on interlibrary loan? ‘Cause baby, you are outta this library! | |
Are you open to public? | |
Are you shelf Sexy? Because I've been searching for you everywhere. | |
Babe, forget about the time limit here, let's go back to my place and do it all night long. | |
Babe, meet me in the fantasy section and I will show you a whole new world. | |
Babe, my hard covers is going to make you last. | |
Baby, my life is an open book for you in this library. | |
Can I get your refence number so I could look you up and check you out? | |
Do you have overdue books? Because you have fine written all over you. | |
Do you want to reserve a study room? So we could study each other at the library. | |
Girl I am definitely checking you out. | |
Girl, how is that you are catalogued in multiple sections, sexy and hot. | |
Girl, it's the library, but we could still do it if you could be quiet. | |
Girl, my book worm game is strong for you. | |
Girl, you could check out my private library any time. | |
Have you heard about the secret garden in the library where people go make out? | |
Hey baby, can I put you on reserve? | |
I am the direct of Adult Services. How many I help you? | |
I bet I can find a place to fit you in my private library collection. | |
I don't care if there's a no food allowed policy at the library, because I just want to eat you up. | |
I don't need no library nor books to tell me what love is, until I met you. | |
I got the card to check you out, people call this credit card. | |
I see you like these books, wanna start a book club? | |
I want to impress a cute stranger with my book choice. What would you pick? | |
I'd like to insert my private collection into that empty stack of yours. | |
If I could arrange the library stacks, I would put "U" and "I" together. | |
If you were a book in the library, I'd never return you and just keep you in my room. | |
If you were a book, I'd need glasses, because you'd definitely be fine print. | |
Is that a hard cover, or are you just happy to see me? | |
Is this library burning books? Because you are simply sexy hot. | |
It's a shame pets aren't allowed in the library, because I'd love to see your pussy. | |
It's destiny that I have picked you out of thousands of books in this library. | |
It's not the size of the collection; it's how you use it. | |
Meet me in the stacks. | |
My reference desk or yours? | |
Only kids play doctors, let's play librarians. | |
People say you cannot judge a book by its cover, but girl you are top of the book. | |
So I see you like reading? Want to date a person who also likes to read? | |
There are things much better than reading books in this library, reading your heart and body. | |
What book would you recommend to help me sweep you off your feet? | |
What's your catalogue number baby? | |
You have put a hold in my heart. | |